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The Big Shift in Leadership

The world is changing. The workforce is changing. And leadership is undergoing a fundamental shift as a result.

This new dynamic world of work requires a different kind of leadership.

In this new era, leaders need a responsive mindset and understanding of team psychological safety and how to redesign traditional systems to better meet human needs. In this workshop, we'll explore how leaders can transition from traditional methods of predicting and managing to adapting, engaging and collaborating.

What We'll Cover:

  1. Why what is required of leaders is different today than in the past

  2. The Big Shift leaders need to make to be successful in these times

  3. 15 of the most essential skills needed by leaders in these times

Join us for a free workshop at 11 a.m. central on Thursday, Sept 12 to explore the changing world of leadership. 

August 13

Three Pitfalls to Avoid in Strategic Planning

October 2

6 Levers Consultant Info Session